advanced fighter meaning in Chinese
- Can a rat learn how to fly an advanced fighter jet
脑有如机器一样可以关掉之后,它会感觉到痛楚吗? - Introduction : also from outer space is a fierce battle , the player is riding on earth extraterrestrial army in order to confront the forces of aggression , and the latest development of the advanced fighters in the vastness of space down the invading enemy . the game is very realistic 3d shooting depth , like the player must attempt to some oh
又是一场来自外太空的激烈搏杀,玩家乘坐的是地球军队为了对抗外星侵略部队,而最新开发的先进战斗机,在浩瀚的外太空痛击来犯的敌军,游戏具有相当逼真的3d射击纵深感,喜欢的玩家一定要尝试一番哦! - Also from outer space is a fierce battle , the player is riding on earth extraterrestrial army in order to confront the forces of aggression , and the latest development of the advanced fighters in the vastness of space down the invading enemy . the game is very realistic 3d shooting depth , like the player must attempt to some oh